black hornet

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Black Hornet-1


The black hornet, commonly called the giant black hornet, is smaller and is grouped with other insects in the digging wasp species.

Their scientific name is Sphex pensylvanicus . They are found all over North America. They can be found all over the United States, from the west coast to the east coast. Because of their adaptability, they can survive in many different climates. The American West is their preferred environment due to its warmth.

5 Unbelievable Black Hornet Facts!

Big black bee on mint flower
The female giant black bee is more than twice the size of the male bee. At the same time, males are very small.

©Natalia Kuzmina/

Here are some interesting facts about black bees:

  • Female hornets are much larger than male hornets. However, males are surprisingly small.
  • These insects can grow up to 1.3 inches long.
  • When a giant black bee is stunned, it appears dormant and motionless. However, they are alive and very dangerous.
  • Black wasps are subterranean insects, which means they usually stay underground.
  • They belong to a type of digging bee.

evolution and origin

While the term "black wasp" can be applied to many different species of wasps, in general, wasps are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor with bees and ants during the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago.

Black wasps, like all wasps, have undergone major changes and adaptations over millions of years to adapt to different environments and to survive better in different situations.

Symphyta are a group of insects in the order Hymenoptera, including the Xyelidae, first identified in the fossil record during the Lower Triassic period. Apocrita includes various species of wasps that first appeared in the Jurassic period and developed into many different superfamilies by the Cretaceous period.

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They are thought to have evolved from the Symphyta group.

Species, types and scientific names

Big black hornet on solidago
Sphex pensylvanicus is the scientific name for these insects.

© Agar

The scientific name for these insects is Sphex pensylvanicus . They belong to the species of digging wasps that are known to be found all over North America. Females of this species are larger than males. The word " sphex " is straightforward, a literal translation of the ancient Greek "wasp." The word " pensylvanicus " is a variant of Pennsylvania, a state in the eastern United States. Mostly, the word is used to describe species native to Pennsylvania, so it may have been included in the name since there are 65 different species of giant black bee in the state.

Different types

  • asian hornet
  • Polybia occidentalis
  • wasp
  • german wasp
  • asian hornet
  • european hornet
  • Vespa
  • red paper wasp
  • Canadian Purslane
  • australian hornet
  • Hornet
  • Oriental Cicada Killer
  • purslane
  • bald wasp
  • wasp
  • oriental hornet
  • red velvet ant
  • emerald cockroach wasp
  • Buckeye
  • Australian shrub
  • northern paper wasp
  • cyanobacteria
  • plain paper wasp
  • white oak
  • California Iron Kettle
  • asian paper wasp
  • Organ Pipe Mud Applicator
  • pepsi hero
  • Bamboo
  • European paper wasp
  • wasp
  • blue ant
  • mexican bee
  • Northern Bauhinia
  • european wolf
  • Evania appendage
  • Bumblebee
  • wasp
  • short-gastric lizard
  • lentils
  • eastern yellow jacket
  • blue winged wasp
  • western yellow jacket
  • Amphora rosea
  • black belly wasp
  • European oak
  • to win
  • ampulla dementor
  • Pinus sylvestris
  • lentils
  • Astragalus


Big black hornet close-up
The giant black bee is, as the name suggests, black in color.


As the name suggests, the giant black bee is black. Unlike other wasps, these don't have any markings or stripes on their bodies, making them relatively easy to identify. These insects have a traditional wasp body with large wings and a small body that narrows in the middle. Their entire underbelly is a deep black hue.

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Female black wasps are easily the more unique species of the species, displaying an incredible size advantage over males. The species typically ranges in size from 1 to 1.3 inches, although the female bumblebee protects herself with a powerful and menacing stinger.

These wasps appear to have a semi-glossy black appearance, only more evident by the way the wings can rest flat on the body. Their spiny legs make this insect look even more intimidating.

These insects are relatively solitary, living in swarms with other predatory and stinging wasps.


Giant black bees are insects that live underground, which allows them to establish homes below the surface of the climate.

© yod 67/

Big black bees are subterranean insects, allowing them to make their home beneath the surface of the climate. This area is the best place for them to nest and care for their young.

These insects are natural hunters, which is why they prey on grasshoppers, cicadas, locusts, katydids, and other fleshy insects. In some cases, the wasps also eat their own young before they are ready to fend for themselves.


warrior wasp
It may be wise to use a non-insecticide spray in the most sympathetic way possible to repel these bugs or nests.


While it's important to live together in the environment, these insects can be a nuisance that threatens your ability to stay safe in your home. Allowing them to thrive in your home can cause irritation or discomfort, just like other insects you may have around you.

For the most humane way to deter these bugs or nests, a non-insecticide spray is probably the best way to get rid of them. This spray stops insects from flying. There are also non-toxic peppermint sprays that can be used in the home and garden to protect plants from harm. In some cases, a cleaning spray can be used to saturate the wasps.

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If getting rid of it alive isn't an option for you, you can hit them with something heavy. This will most likely kill the wasp. It is important to note that fly swatters are generally not suitable for large black bees.

If you are not afraid of bugs, you can pick it up with gloves on, stuff it into a fly swatter, and take it out of the house. Interestingly, it is difficult to determine if the wasp is dead, as it can only be stunned and remains motionless.

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While the sting of the giant black bee can be painful, these insects are not considered fatal to humans (unless the individual is allergic).

If you are stung by a black wasp, expect some irritation, redness or swelling.

They are found all over North America. They prefer a hotter climate that takes them to both coasts.

No, giant black bees are known to be solitary insects, but they will defend themselves or their nest when necessary.

Big black bees have 6 legs.

Black bees are black without any markings or stripes. They have the standard wasp body. Their wings are large with a thin and small midsection. They also have a large backend.

You can use a non-pesticide, non-toxic peppermint spray, or kill them with a heavy object to get rid of them.