
wild dog facts

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Dingoes are the only canids native to Australia.

Doting parents but ferocious predators, dingoes are animals well adapted to the harsh and diverse climates of Australia and the Pacific.

The animals are thought to be a type of feral dog, exhibiting pack behavior and hunting strategies similar to the closely related wolves.

They can be distinguished from similar canids by their almost fiery red coat color.

5 Unbelievable Wild Dog Facts!

most vicious animal
most vicious animal

©John Carnemolla/Shutterstock.com

  • Dingoes are animals that seem to play a minor role in the mythology and religious beliefs of some Aboriginal Australians.
  • Dingoes are able to interbreed with domesticated dogs, which poses problems for the conservation of wild dingo lines.
  • Dingo packs seem to have a strict social hierarchy. The leadership and cunning of the alpha males and females bring them together and the rest of the pack must respect and obey these alpha males and females. Alpha also has exclusive breeding rights.
  • Dingoes are animals that tend to inhabit a wide range of parks and reserves in the most uninhabited parts of the island.
  • Due to the encroachment of human settlements, some populations may live in close proximity to people in some areas.

You can check out more incredible facts about dingoes.

wild dog scientific name

Types of Dingo
The dingo (Canis familiaris dingo, Canis familiaris, Canis dingo or Canis lupus dingo) is a legendary dog of prehistoric ancestry in Australia.

© iStock.com/Andrew Haytham

The wild dog's scientific name is Canis lupus dingo . As many already know, lupus means wolf in Latin and the name dingo is taken from the local Darug language of the Australian Aboriginal people around the Sydney area.

However, the taxonomic classification of wild dogs is the subject of intense debate. The animal is currently classified as a subspecies of the gray wolf, but some taxonomists believe that there are enough physical and genetic differences to classify it as an entirely separate species. Either way, the wild dog is part of the genus Canis, which also makes it closely related to the coyote, African golden wolf, and Ethiopian wolf. It is even more distantly related to the fox.

The oldest dingo fossils unearthed to date are around 3,500 years old, but research suggests the subspecies likely arrived in Australia long before that. The prevailing view is that the dingo was brought over after humans domesticated dogs, arguably the first of many placental mammals to be deliberately introduced into Australia.

However, not all experts agree with this view. Another idea is that dingoes may have migrated on their own thousands of years ago, when sea levels between the islands and the mainland were much lower.

evolution and origin

The Dingo, an undomesticated canid in Australia, is an ancient domestic dog breed brought to Australia by Asian sailors about 4,000 years ago and is believed to have originated from earlier domestic dog breeds found in Southeast Asia.

East Asian dogs are the ancestors of wild dogs. Many domestic dog mtDNA types were imported into Southeast Asian islands, but only type A29 entered Australia.

Dingoes are Australia's only native canine species and are believed to be descended from wolves that originated in South Asia, with the scientific name Canis familiaris. With their striking appearance, inquisitive nature and occasional threat to humans, dingoes can be found everywhere and they are of great importance in the country's ecosystem.

Dingo Appearance and Behavior

wild dog breed
wild dog breed


With its lean appearance, pointed ears, short fur, bushy tail, and long nose, most of the dingo's distinguishing features resemble that of a medium-sized dog.

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The distance between the animal's head and body is about four feet, and the tail adds another foot to its length. It weighs between 22 and 33 lbs. Coat color may be tan, red or yellow. Individuals tend to have white abdomens and inner legs, but black patterns have also been found in the wild.

Wild dogs are very similar to wolves in their highly diverse and intricate social arrangements. While young males tend to be solitary animals, the most common social arrangements are up to 10 at a time.

Wolf packs usually contain the main mating pair, the offspring, some extended families, and perhaps offspring from the previous year. Males tend to be more dominant than female members, and higher-ranked members will attempt to establish dominance over lower-ranked members of the group and defend their position fiercely.

A wolf pack provides protection and security to each of its members, regardless of class. Members will work together to collect food, protect cubs and survive in the wild.

Dingo communication includes various forms of barking, howling, and growling. Their barks are distinct from dog barks and make up only a small portion of their verbal expressions. Their roar is designed to ward off potential danger and threats, and it is also used as a means of exerting dominance over other members.

Additionally, they have several different forms of howl that vary in sound and intensity depending on the season and time of day, although it's not entirely clear why they howl. Like other canids, wild dogs have an excellent sense of smell. They have been known to mark their scents on various objects or places to convey messages to others.

Dingoes don't usually leave the place where they were originally born. They will live, hunt and raise their families in narrow territories that are only a few miles at a time. Wild dogs are also nocturnal animals. They spend most of their waking hours at night, with peak activity around dusk and dawn. The wild dog has a shorter activity time and a longer rest time.

Wild dog (Canis lupus dingo) reddish wild dog

wild dog habitat

Dingoes are widely distributed across mainland Australia, except for certain parts of the southeast and Tasmania. Some populations are also found in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including countries such as Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, the Philippines, and New Guinea. Preferred habitats include forests, plains, mountains, and some deserts with water holes. They tend to build their homes in burrows, logs, or holes.

wild dog diet

Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) at Cleland Wildlife Park, South Australia
Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) at Cleland Wildlife Park, South Australia

© Peripitus/Creative Commons

Dingoes are best described as opportunistic nocturnal predators. They will feed on any number of small animals, depending on the local wildlife abundance at the time. These may include rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles, fish, crabs, amphibians, insects, and even certain types of seeds and fruits. The remainder of the diet consists of larger animals including wallabies, kangaroos, sheep, cattle and opossums. They also remove human waste and litter remnants when given the opportunity.

While speed and stamina are the dingo's main assets as hunters, they also need to work together in packs to hunt the largest prey, which can be a dangerous affair for individuals.

Their tactics often involve chasing prey towards other pack members, or exhausting prey through sheer stamina. They also sometimes harass sick or injured animals that are far from their herd or group. Wild dogs usually kill their prey by biting the neck and severing the throat and blood vessels. They have also been known to bite on the ankles and heels to slow down their prey.

Dingo Predators and Threats

As the top predator in the Australian ecosystem, the adult dingo has few other natural predators, especially when it is protected by the entire group. However, large predators such as crocodiles, jackals, and birds of prey can still kill the youngest and least protected dingoes when they are vulnerable. Wild dogs have also been known to die from snake bites and buffalo or cattle attacks.

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Humans pose an even greater threat to the continued existence of wild dogs. Like wolves in North America and Europe, some farmers consider wild dogs to be pests because they attack and kill domesticated animals.

Several dingo control measures have been implemented to prevent further damage to livestock, including the erection of large fencing around major sheep farming areas in southeastern Australia. If a wild dog wanders into that area, then it may be killed for the bounty. Poisoning is another potential way to deter wild dog attacks. Fortunately, since dingoes occupy nearly all of Australia (even those that are largely inhospitable to humans), most populations are rarely threatened by human activity.

Another source of potential danger also came from an unexpected corner. Dingoes have been known to breed and interbreed with domestic dogs. This is slowly removing the genetic diversity of the dingo population.

It is believed that substantial dingo populations today consist of hybrids (especially near large human settlements), and even wild populations have small genetic hybrid elements. Experts are debating the impact of this loss and how to reverse it. Some biologists say it's the result of inevitable genetic changes that simply cannot be reversed.

Dingo Breeding, Babies and Lifespan

Australian dingoes have a strict regimental mating system. They tend to only breed once a year at about the same time. After a gestation period of about two months, females give birth to about five pups on average, but may have as many as 10 at a time.

It takes about two months for the cubs to be fully weaned. After this time, they will learn important skills, such as hunting and communication, which are integral to their survival. After a few months, the cubs will be fully independent. However, the cubs will not leave on their own, but will stay and help the parents raise the next litter.

Dingo dogs reach sexual maturity after about two years. This is when they usually wander alone and live a solitary life. Once males and females are paired together, they usually mate for life and form a new colony. Dingoes can live up to 10 years in the wild and may live as long as 13 or 14 years in captivity.

dingo numbers

Dingo populations are difficult to estimate, but it is believed that pure dingo populations are declining, possibly due to interbreeding with native dogs.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, which tracks the endangered status of various species, previously listed them as potentially vulnerable, but later removed dingoes from the list due to difficulties defining them. It thinks they are wild dogs.

Wild dogs are currently protected in large swaths of national parks and reserves. They have little legal protection outside of these areas, but there are several organizations dedicated to protecting purebred dingoes.

See all 106 animals that start with D

about the author

My name is Rebecca and I have been a professional freelancer for nearly ten years. I write SEO content and graphic design. When I'm not working, I'm obsessed with cats and pet mice.

Dingo FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a Dingo?

Dingo is a canine species native to Australia. It is a subspecies of the gray wolf, which makes it closely related to (and capable of interbreeding with) domesticated dogs.

What is the difference between wild dogs and dogs?

There are several differences between dingoes and dogs, including their appearance, their vocalizations and vocalizations, their mating and social behavior, and their affinity for humans. The debate centers on whether dingoes are most similar to wolves, which do not respond to human signals, or domestic dogs, which do. However, due to their resemblance, some experts classify them as wild dogs.

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What Do Wild Dogs Eat – Are They Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores?

Wild dogs are primarily carnivores. These opportunistic hunters prey on animals such as rabbits, birds, insects, wallabies, kangaroos, opossums and cattle.

How dangerous are wild dogs to humans?

Wild dogs will generally seek to avoid human interaction. Although dingoes are sometimes found near people, their wide range means they inhabit areas not normally occupied or traversed by humans. Dingo attacks are rare, with only a few documented reports of fatalities. But due to their feral nature, it is best to avoid direct contact with them.

Dog-dingo mixes are more common in densely populated areas, especially in southeastern Australia. They can sometimes be seen in cities and suburbs at night. However, it is best to avoid contact with mixed-race individuals or groups.

Can wild dogs be tamed to make good pets?

Since they are considered wild or feral animals, dingoes do not make good pets. They don't have the instinctive desire for human companionship that thousands of years of evolution have instilled in dogs. Due to their feral nature, it is currently illegal to own dingoes in Australia.

Where do wild dogs live?

Dingoes are found almost exclusively in parts of Australia and Southeast Asia and the surrounding Pacific islands.

To which kingdom do wild dogs belong?

Wild dogs belong to the animal kingdom.

What door do wild dogs belong to?

Wild dogs belong to the phylum Chordata.

What category does Dingos belong to?

Dingoes belong to the class Mammalia.

What family do the Dingos belong to?

Wild dogs belong to the canine family.

To what order do wild dogs belong?

Wild dogs belong to the order Carnivora.

What genus do wild dogs belong to?

Wild dogs belong to the genus Canis.

What type of mulch does Dingos have?

The dingo is covered with fur.

What type of habitat do wild dogs live in?

Wild dogs live in deserts and wet and dry forests.

What are the distinctive features of Dingos?

Wild dogs have pricked ears and long, bushy tails.

Who are the natural enemies of wild dogs?

Predators of wild dogs include humans and large reptiles.

What is the average litter size for Dingo?

Dingo's average litter size is 6.

Any interesting facts about Dingos?

Dingoes are native to mainland Australia!

What is the scientific name of Dingo?

The scientific name of the dingo is Canis Lupus Dingo.

What is the lifespan of wild dogs?

Wild dogs can live 7 to 15 years.

How fast are wild dogs?

Wild dogs can travel as fast as 30 miles per hour.

What's the Difference Between Wild Dogs and Coyotes?

The most obvious difference between dingoes and coyotes is their coloring. Coyotes are usually gray or reddish in color with a white throat and underparts. Dingoes are usually tan, sometimes black and tan or white.

How do you say Dingo in


Dingo (chien sauvage)

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  1. David Burnie, Dorling Kindersley (2011) Animals, The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife
  2. Tom Jackson, Lorenz Books (2007) Encyclopedia of World Animals
  3. David Burney, Kingfisher (2011) The Animal Encyclopedia of Kingfishers
  4. Richard Mackay, University of California Press (2009) Atlas of Threatened Species
  5. David Burnie, Dorling Kindersley (2008) Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia
  6. Dorling Kindersley (2006) Dorling Kindersley Animal Encyclopedia
  7. David W. Macdonald, Oxford University Press (2010) Encyclopedia of Mammals