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duck 1


"A duck can sleep with one eye open to stay alert to predators"

Ducks are omnivores, eating plants, insects, small fish, seeds and crustaceans. Ducks are a type of bird known as waterfowl because they live near ponds, rivers, and lakes.

This animal lives on every continent except Antarctica. Some of them live in freshwater habitats, while others live in saltwater. They have a service life of up to 10 years.

5 Unbelievable Duck Facts!

All ducks have waterproof feathers

© Birdiegal/

  • All types of ducks have waterproof feathers
  • Unique vascular system keeps their feet warm in cold weather
  • Not all ducks quack
  • These birds can turn their heads back to clean or preen their feathers
  • Male ducks have more plumage color than females

scientific name

<img loading="lazy" src="×1024.jpg" alt="Male and female mallards Anas platyrhynchos" data-credit="This picture was realized by Richard Bartz by using a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens, CC BY-SA 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons” data-item-id=”f4c773e0-72d9-48f6-9c60-85d60a104f75″ data-source=”other” data-contributor=”Richard Bartz” srcset=”×1024.jpg 1024w,×300.jpg 300w,×150.jpg 150w,×768.jpg 768w,×60.jpg 60w,×400.jpg 400w,×1536.jpg 1536w,×2048.jpg 2048w,×600.jpg 600w,×96.jpg 96w” sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px” class=”aligncenter”>
Male and female Mallard Anas platyrhynchos

© This photo was realized by Richard Bartz with a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM lens, CC BY-SA 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons – License

One species of duck, the mallard, has the scientific name Anas platyrhynchos . Almost all domesticated ducks are descended from mallards.

The Latin word platyrhynchos, meaning flat nose, is related to the shape of this duck's bill. All of these birds belong to the family Anatidae, which belongs to the class Aves.

There are dozens of ducks.

common species of duck

tawny whistle duck
Tawny Whistle Ducks form monogamous pairs, and many couples have one mate for life.

©Harold Stiver/

  • Mallard – The mallard is a type of teal, which means it feeds on the surface of the water. Their population ranges from temperate and subtropical regions of North America to Eurasia and North Africa.
  • Wood Duck – The wood duck is a type of perching duck, which means it often perches high in trees. These ducks are native to North America, and southern populations do not migrate like northern populations.
  • Canvas Duck – The canvas duck is a type of diving duck, which means it feeds by diving below the surface of the water. These ducks are common in North America and prefer to nest in prairie swamps surrounded by emergent vegetation.
  • King Eider – The King Eider is a large sea duck that breeds on the Arctic coasts of Northeastern Europe, North America and Asia. The oldest Wang Rongrong lived to be nearly 19 years old.

appearance and behavior

wooden duck
A wood duck swims on the water.

©Harry Collins Photography/

When it comes to duck plumage, males, also known as ducks, are more colorful than females. Male dragons may have bright green, purple, silver, or blue plumage. Alternatively, females, also known as hens, are usually brown or light gray.

The exact color depends on the species. For example, a male Cayuga duck has iridescent green plumage. The female Cayuga has some iridescent green plumage, but it is less noticeable. They all have black bills. The duck is named for Cayuga Lake, New York, where it originated.

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These birds have flippers that help them swim in lakes, streams, and ponds. Additionally, ducks have a long, flat bill that they use to scoop up insects, plants, or other food.

Look closely at the duckbill and you'll see flakes on the sides. The lamellae are the jagged edges of a duck's bill that help it filter sand and mud as it submerges its bill in water to find food.

Looking at the shape of a bird's beak can help you determine what type of food it eats. Species with flat beaks may eat large amounts of vegetation such as algae and grasses. Alternatively, birds with more pointed or pointed beaks may have eaten fish and other small sea creatures.

Did you notice the little bump on the end of the duckbill? That's called a nail. It helps ducks dig up insects, plants or other food in the mud.

The size of a duck depends on its species. Generally, they are 20 to 26 inches long and weigh 1.6 to 3.5 pounds. A 20-inch bird is one-third the length of a bowling pin. A 3-pound duck weighs half as much as a brick.

Muscovy ducks are the largest species in North America. It is about 30 inches long and weighs about 15 pounds.

Geese are another waterfowl, but much larger than ducks. A Canada goose is 2.5 to 3.6 feet long and weighs 7.1 to 14 pounds!

These birds have several ways to protect themselves from predators. Mallard ducks with the ability to fly can escape predators by taking off into the air. Females with dull plumage may hide in tall weeds or other vegetation near bodies of water. They are fast swimmers that help them escape threats.

These birds are social animals and feel safer in groups. A flock of ducks can be called a team or a raft. Of course, they can also be called flocks. Depending on the population of the area, a flock may contain ten or dozens of birds. Check out this article to learn more about duck names and their role in the flock.

Whether rattling or otherwise, these birds use their calls to alert others that a predator is nearby. Wild ducks are very shy and try to stay away from people.

Evolution and Origin of Ducks

A common theory is that ducks evolved to their modern small size, allowing them to feed on small particles in the water. For this reason, ducks have evolved wider beaks, which help them eat smaller meals. There are more species of ducks than geese or swans, demonstrating that broader beak evolution was at work.

Having said that, almost all species of domestic ducks are derived from mallards. However, this does not include muscovy ducks.

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Wood Duck or Carolina Duck is a species of Perching Duck
These birds live all over the world except Antarctica.

These birds live all over the world except Antarctica. Some species live in the tropics, while others live in temperate climates. They live near rivers, ponds, lakes and streams. They sometimes sleep in tall grass nests near bodies of water. Other times, they actually float and sleep on the water!

Some species in the northern regions of North America migrate in the fall, when food starts to become scarce at that time of year. These birds may migrate to warmer regions in the southern United States or further afield to Mexico. Some species go to central California for the winter.

The change in daylight in spring is a signal for the ducks to fly north again.

What do ducks eat?

raccoon eat
raccoon eating duck


Adult ducks may fall prey to a variety of predators, including opossums, peregrine falcons, coyotes, eagles, snakes, and raccoons.

Young birds or ducklings also fall prey to many predators. They are sometimes eaten by larger fish such as pike or bass. Snapping turtles, crocodiles, and herons also eat ducklings.

What do ducks eat?

These birds eat insects, fruit, seeds, algae, small fish and crustaceans.

These birds eat insects, fruit, seeds, algae, small fish and crustaceans.

These birds are omnivores. They eat the most abundant food source in their habitat.

Have you ever seen a duck's butt sticking out of the water? This happens when a teal pokes its head out of the water and crosses the sandy bottom of a creek or pond in search of food.

Other types of ducks dive below the surface in search of food, while others hunt for prey floating on the surface.

Predators and Threats

Coyote in the sun
Coyotes prey on ducks and other small mammals

©Mircea Costina/

Coyotes, snakes, peregrine falcons, raccoons, hawks and possums are natural predators of adult birds. Peregrine falcons are fast enough to catch adult falcons flying out of ponds or lakes. Raccoons, coyotes, and possums can subdue an adult bird after it has been captured by surprise.

Ducklings can be preyed upon by pike, bass, alligators, snapping turtles and herons. These small animals are especially vulnerable because they are not big enough to fly or swim as fast as adults. Thus, a large fish like a pike or bass can follow a duckling swimming overhead and drag it into the water.

These birds face environmental threats from habitat loss. Wetlands are being affected by pollution. Additionally, some species are hunted by humans for food or exercise. Avian influenza is a disease that can spread rapidly among duck populations.

The conservation status of Anas platyrhynchos is listed as least of concern, as the population increases.

Duck Breeding, Babies, and Lifespan

baby duck siblings
little duck


The birds begin to choose their mates in December. A female selects a male from a large group. She looks for a mate with beautiful, healthy plumage. Some courtship rituals include head shaking, whistling, and swimming with each other.

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Drakes calls out to females and makes noises, trying to get as much attention as possible. It's raucous time for ducks! Males and females pair for one season, but find different mates the next breeding season. This is known as seasonal monogamy.

Females build nests of twigs, grass, and feathers near ponds or lakes. The gestation period for these birds is 28 days. By the way, Canada geese have the same gestation period. They lay eggs from mid-March to the end of July. A clutch usually contains 12 eggs. Duck eggs are fairly large, weighing about two and a half ounces. After the eggs are laid, the male no longer cares for them.

It takes approximately 24 hours for all eggs in a clutch to hatch. Ducklings are called ducklings. As soon as it is out of the shell, the duckling's feathers begin to dry, and it begins to move its legs. After about ten hours, the mother leads her babies from the nest and takes them to the water. so fast!

Ducklings stay with their mother as they learn how to swim and find food in the water. She protects them from other ducks and keeps them warm on cold nights. At 50 to 60 days old, the ducklings are able to fly and live independently.

These birds become sexually mature at one year old. Their lifespan is 5 to 10 years. The record for the longest-lived duck is 29 years old.

These birds are susceptible to diseases such as duck viral hepatitis, aspergillosis and colibacillosis.

duck population

According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the latest estimate of the global wild duck (scientific name: Anas platyrhynchos ) population is about 19 million individuals. An estimated 5,700,000 to 9,220,000 of these birds live in Europe.

As the population increases, its conservation status is of least concern.

ducks in the zoo

  • See the Cincinnati Zoo's collection of ducklings and adults
  • Explore the St. Louis Zoo's Duck Exhibit
  • Admire the ducks at Lincoln Park Zoo

See all 106 animals that start with D

Ducks are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and other animals.

Ducks belong to the animal kingdom.

Ducks belong to the class of birds.

Ducks belong to the phylum Chordata.

Ducks belong to the family Anatidae.

Ducks belong to the order Anseriformes.

Ducks are covered with feathers.

Ducks live in rivers, lakes and woodland wetlands.

Ducks eat insects, frogs, plants, and shellfish.

Ducks have long, wide beaks and webbed feet.

Ducks usually lay 5 eggs.

The lifespan of ducks is 5 to 10 years.

Ducks lay eggs.

The main differences between duck eggs and chicken eggs are their size, shell, egg white, flavor and nutrition. Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs. Egg shells are monochromatic, while duck shells are often variegated. For egg whites, duck egg whites are clearer than chicken egg whites.