Is a pineapple a fruit or a vegetable? that's why

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The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is the most economically important member of the bromeliad family. It has short, stout stems and tough, waxy leaves. Pineapples are native to South America and have been grown there for a long time. After being brought to Europe in the 17th century, the pineapple quickly became a cultural icon of luxury. Various tropical plantations and greenhouses have produced pineapples for profit since the 1820s.

While it might seem easy to classify the well-known pineapple as a fruit, there are several interesting facts that shed light on it that the average person is often unaware of. This article will address the question "Is a pineapple a fruit or a vegetable?" And with some interesting information that might surprise you!

So, is a pineapple a fruit or a vegetable?

Pineapples often produce as many as 200 flowers at the same time as they are fruiting.

©Tim UR/

Pineapple is classified as a fruit. In terms of determining whether they should be classified as a fruit or a vegetable, pineapples are actually pretty easy to distinguish from other plant parts we eat. While many people already know this, there is one fact about the pineapple, a fruit that might surprise you. continue reading!

Pineapple is a collection of berries!

Pineapples have a very unique method of fruit production. The plant produces flowers which, when they mature, produce multiple fruits. In fact, the pineapple is a fruit developed from a variety of berries. This suggests that the pineapple is not a single fruit, but a cluster of berries fused together. The technical term for this is multiple fruit, compound fruit, or collective fruit!

It usually produces up to 200 flowers at a time when it sets fruit, but some large-fruited varieties may have higher yields. Once the ovary has flowered, it develops into berries, which cluster together to form a large, dense multifruit. Typically, the fruit of a pineapple is divided into two interlocking hexagons, each with a loop number. For example, 8 in one direction and 13 in the other direction.

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Why is pineapple considered a fruit?

By examining one closely, you can begin to understand the elements that contribute to the common (and accurate) designation of pineapple as a fruit. By botanical definition, a fruit is the part of a plant that develops from the flower and carries the seed. The pineapple case satisfies both conditions. However, the pineapple seeds are not located in the pit like most other fruits, but are located near the edge of the fruit, next to the prickly skin!

Culinary Perspective on Pineapple

Pineapple has traditionally been widely used in baked goods and sweetened beverages for its sweet taste.

© New Africa/

In the food field, fruits or vegetables are often classified according to their flavor. Vegetables often lack sweetness and are prized for being rich in fiber and earth rather than juice. To extract its acidic and pungent juice, pineapple – one of the sweetest fruits – is often pressed. They have traditionally been used for sweetness and are often used in baked goods and sweetened beverages. Therefore, even in the culinary world, pineapple is called a fruit!

How Pineapple Is Used in Food and Beverage Preparation

The juice and pulp of the pineapple are used in cuisines around the world. In many tropical countries, prepared pineapples are sold as a roadside snack. It is usually served whole or cut in half with skewers inside. "nata de pina," a traditional jelly-like dessert, has been produced in the Philippines since the 18th century. It is made by fermenting pineapple juice. Pineapple vinegar is present in many cuisines in Honduras and the Philippines because it is a locally produced product. It's usually made by mixing pineapple juice with grain vinegar. However, the peel of the whole fruit is commonly used in Mexico.

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Whole pitted pineapple slices are often served with a cherry in the center. This pairing is often seen on the top (or bottom, depending how you look at it) of the infamous pineapple upside-down cake! Crushed pineapple is a common ingredient in ice cream, yogurt, jams, and pastries. Additionally, it is used as a stand-alone drink (pineapple juice) and is the main ingredient in beverages such as pina coladas and tepache. Pineapple chunks even pair well with savory dishes like pizza toppings, grilled hamburgers, and chicken!

Health Benefits of Pineapple

Raw pineapple pulp contains 86% water, 13% carbohydrates, 0.5% protein, and almost no fat. It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin C. Pineapple can also boost your recommended daily intake of copper, folate, iron, magnesium, niacin, potassium, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B6. It is claimed to improve digestion, reduce cancer risk and boost immunity. It even reduces inflammation and may even speed up the healing process after surgery or strenuous activity!


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Fresh whole and cut pineapple isolated on white background. , from

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about the author

I have spent a large part of my life as a writer and artist with great respect for viewing nature analytically and metaphysically. After careful investigation, the natural world reveals truths far beyond the obvious. For me, the source of everything we have is embodied in our planet; the process of writing and creating art around this subject is an attempt to convey the wonder of it.

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