
Groundhog Facts

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The groundhog is at the center of the entire ecosystem of the American prairie.

Despite their name, these five species of marmot are not canines at all, but rodents. They get their name from the dog-like barking they make. They are considered the cornerstone species of the western plains. Their burrows help agitate the soil and facilitate water penetration. Their nitrogen-rich manure is an excellent fertilizer for fertile soil. They provide a steady source of food for predators. Experts believe the loss of prairie habitat and the loss of marmot populations are linked.

3 Incredible Groundhog Facts!

  • The first description of the groundhog comes from the 1804 Lewis and Clark expedition. Lewis described it as resembling a barking squirrel.
  • One of the more amazing facts is that groundhogs are organized into large colonies called towns. The largest prairie dog town ever discovered covers 25,000 square miles and has about 400 million residents.
  • Black-tailed and Mexican marmots exhibit a behavior called hopping, in which they leap into the air and bark loudly. The behavior is contagious and quickly spreads throughout the colony. It's not clear why they do this, but the adaptation could be a surefire signal to predators. Another explanation is that it helps groundhogs gather information about the vigilance of nearby colony mates.


groundhog scientific name

A family of curious prairie dogs stay on the lookout.
The marmot is a short-tailed, ground-dwelling squirrel

©Edwin Butter/

The scientific name for the genus of woodchucks is prairie dog. It appears to be a combination of two Greek words, roughly translated as "dog and mouse". This genus belongs to the family Sciuridae along with all other types of squirrels.


These animals often have a squirrel-like appearance. It is characterized by a small but stocky body, round ears, short tail and strong paws. The short, coarse fur is tawny with tinges of brown and red. The tail is also covered with black, white or gray fur. Groundhogs weigh between 1 and 4 pounds and are about the size of a rabbit. Its body is 12 to 16 inches long, and the tail adds another 1 to 5 inches. On average, males tend to be slightly larger than females, but apart from obvious sex differences, they are otherwise similar in appearance.


There are currently five species of groundhogs:

  • Black-tailed marmot: Named for the black tip of their tail, these rodents do not hibernate during the winter, but instead enter a lethargic state as night falls.
  • Gunnison's Prairie Dog: These ground squirrels often have a light gray tip on their tail, so they're also the only prairie dog with 40 pairs of chromosomes. All other subspecies have 50 pairs.
  • Mexican Marmot: As the name suggests, this rodent is native to Mexico and is considered a pest that acts as a deterrent to agriculture and livestock. Due to an extinction campaign against it, this subspecies currently occupies less than 4% of its original range.
  • White-tailed marmot: It is distinguished by dark spots on the cheeks above and below the eyes and a white tail. This mammal lives at higher altitudes than its close relatives.
  • Utah Prairie Dogs : Their small size, colorful fur, and black eyebrows set them apart. They are currently a protected species due to their endangered status in the IUCN.


what do groundhogs eat
The remote ancestor of the groundhog is thought to have lived in North America about 40 million years ago

©Michael L/

Groundhogs belong to the large rodent family Muridae or squirrels. The evolutionary story of this large group is believed to have begun in North America, with the earliest fossil evidence dating back 40 million years ago to the late Eocene.

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Prairie dogs belong to one of the five main families of the species, and the subfamily Prairie dogs consists of squirrels that are terrestrial in nature and make their homes in burrows they dig underground. Within this subgroup, prairie dogs also belong to the Marmotini tribe, along with other species including chipmunks, prairie dogs, prairie dogs, and prairie dogs.


where do groundhogs live
Groundhogs are intelligent animals with complex communication abilities. They have a range of different barks and chirps to convey different messages.

©Marie Dirgova/

The social life of these animals revolves around groups (technical terms for cliques or clans, depending on the species). The basic unit of a group is the family, consisting of one or two males, a few females and their offspring. A single groundhog "town" may consist of hundreds of members grouped into multiple family units, all independent but working together. Each member contributes to the success of the family or group by finding food, guarding the nest, and grooming each other.

To communicate, these animals have evolved many vocal adaptations. The familiar barking sound they are known for is actually a siren call. When the animal spots a predator, it makes a loud call that sends the rest of the pack scrambling for cover. Groundhog communication is very complex. Some studies have shown that they can convey precise details about where the intruder came from and what it looked like. It can even distinguish between humans and hawks without a problem. Touch is another important aspect of groundhog communication. Kissing and even kissing help strengthen the relationship and bond between members of the same family or group.

These animals build some of the most impressive homes in the animal kingdom. The houses consist of underground caves, tunnels and rooms with unique sleeping quarters, nurseries and toilets. Each of the cave's six entrances has a volcanic mound. These mounds act as a kind of listening post from which members of the colony can guard against nearby predators. Generally, each household has a burrow. However, these caves can form a town averaging 247 acres.

In harsh environments where resources are scarce, these animals have a variety of survival strategies. When winter arrives, animals have the ability to hibernate or slow down their metabolism to conserve energy. They can survive for a long time without any food or water. Some species, such as the white-tailed prairie dog, also intentionally kill other ground squirrels to eliminate competitors and maximize the chances of survival for their own offspring. Given its herbivorous lifestyle, this animal apparently would not eat the flesh of its fallen enemies, leaving it for scavengers to pick up.


These animals are found throughout the plains, valleys, and plateaus of the western United States and parts of Mexico. There are five species, each corresponding to a different geographic region: the Gunnison prairie dog in the southwestern United States, the black-tailed prairie dog in the central United States, and the white-tailed prairie dog in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado states, the Mexican prairie dogs in the states of northeastern Mexico, and the Utah prairie dogs in the state that bears its name.

Predators and Threats

Animals That Burrow: Groundhogs
Humans are major threat to groundhog health

©AB Photographie/

These animals face many threats in the wild. It is always in danger of being killed by predators or even other groundhogs. But the main threat to its existence comes from human activity. Conversion of grasslands to farmland, pastures and towns has reduced the full range of animals' natural habitats. This is exacerbated by the fact that many people view them as pests of their destructive digging habits and hunt them on purpose. It is estimated that they lost about 95% of their natural territory in the 20th century. Another unexpected threat comes from the ancient bubonic plague scourge, which can wipe out entire populations and spread to other animals, including humans. Because of all these threats, the prairie dog population has declined by about 98 percent from its peak.

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What Do Groundhogs Eat?

Ferret (Mustela Putorius Furo) - standing against white background
Ferrets are one of several creatures that consider marmots a delicacy

© Eric Isselee/

As an important part of the local food chain, this animal is a source of food for numerous predators. It is preyed on by ferrets, foxes, badgers, coyotes, hawks and hawks, which raid nests or catch prairie dogs off guard.

What Do Groundhogs Eat?

what do groundhogs eat
Although primarily herbivorous, groundhogs also occasionally eat insects


These animals come out during the day to eat roots, grasses, shoots and seeds. Some species supplement their diet with insects.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

groundhog kissing
Female groundhogs take care of their young directly, while their male mates patrol the grounds and keep an eye out for any possible dangers

© Nick Fox/

Groundhog breeding season usually coincides with the late winter or early spring months. Females have very short sex periods (perhaps as little as an hour) per year. She will advertise her sexual availability through her vocal communication and behavior. Their mating strategy is predominantly polygamous. This means that a male will mate with multiple females each year and try to prevent her from having any other sexual partners.

These animals almost always mate underground, perhaps to avoid predators and to compete with other males. After about a month of pregnancy, the mother gives birth to a litter of three to eight pups, rarely more. Born blind and hairless, each newborn is completely dependent on its parents for protection. For the first six weeks of their lives, they remain secure in their burrows, feeding on their mother's milk. Cubs will be fully independent after about a year, as they learn valuable hunting and survival skills. At that point, males disperse from the group in search of their own fortunes, while females tend to remain in the same family unit for life.

Every baby requires a substantial investment from the parents to survive. The mother is directly responsible for their care, while the father will contribute to their survival by protecting the burrow from predators and threats. Despite this parental care, attrition rates are high. Only about half of the litter is expected to survive the first year. Oddly, it's not just the environment and predatory factors that are causing this attrition; it's also the threat from other groundhogs. Some species will deliberately kill other young, even close relatives, to free up resources for their own offspring. While this adaptation may seem brutal, there is a certain logic to their behavior. Those pups that survive to adulthood live an average of about three to four years, perhaps as many as eight years.


what do groundhogs eat
Of the five extant subspecies of the marmot, three are listed as species of least concern, while two are listed as endangered in Utah and Mexico


While the exact numbers of these animals are unknown, populations did decline dramatically during the 20th century due to habitat loss, disease, and deliberate extinction. The white-tailed, black-tailed, and Gunnison prairie dogs are still listed as species of least concern on the IUCN Red List, but the Utah and Mexican prairie dogs are both highly endangered and at risk of extinction danger. Unfortunately, even on public lands there is still not enough protection to bring numbers back to previous levels.

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about the author

I love good books and the occasional cartoon. I am also fascinated by the beauty of nature and find hummingbirds, puppies and marine wildlife some of the most amazing of all creatures.

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Groundhog FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a groundhog?

Groundhogs are a species of squirrel with a stocky body and a short tail. It has strong claws and can dig deep and intricate burrows and live in them with its family. These are highly social animals, communicating through touch and complex sounds. Their average lifespan is three to four years.

Are groundhogs carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores?

Groundhogs are primarily herbivorous. Most of its diet consists of roots, grasses and seeds, but it can also supplement its diet with insects.

How big are groundhogs?

Groundhogs weigh 1 to 4 pounds and are about 12 to 16 inches long (not including the tail, which may add a few inches).

Where Do Prairie Dogs Live?

Groundhogs are found throughout the plains of the western United States and Mexico. Because they inhabit underground burrows, groundhogs can be difficult to find.

Are groundhogs dangerous?

Groundhogs are not dangerous, but they can cause damage to local landscapes.

Do groundhogs attack humans?

No, groundhogs usually try to escape and hide when they see people at first sight.

Are Groundhogs Good Pets?

A groundhog generally doesn't make a good pet unless it can't survive in the wild. Even when they have adequate living space and a dedicated diet, groundhogs need to socialize with members of their own colony. While these pets sometimes grow to see people as part of the group, this is no substitute for real contact with other groundhogs.

In which states do groundhogs live?

Groundhogs inhabit nearly all of the interior western states, from Arizona in the west to Nebraska and Kansas in the east, and from Montana in the north to Texas in the south. It is also found in the Mexican states of San Luis Potosí, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila.

What is the difference between a groundhog and a groundhog?

The most obvious difference between marmots and woodchucks is their size. Groundhogs are much smaller than marmots, sometimes 2-3 times smaller.

What's the Difference Between a Groundhog and a Gopher?

The main differences between gophers and prairie are their size, habitat, behavior, diet, and damage to plants and vegetation. Both rodents are considered a nuisance to many farmers and yards.

What's the Difference Between a Mongoose and a Marmot?

The biggest differences between mongooses and marmots include their appearance, burrowing habits, and lifespan.

What is the difference between a groundhog and a groundhog?

The biggest differences between groundhogs and woodchucks include their size, location, and degree of socialization. Marmots are social or solitary herbivores found in Asia, North America and Europe and can reach weights of 24 pounds and lengths of up to 29 inches. The prairie dog is a highly social animal from North and Central America, weighing between 1 and 4 pounds and growing to 16 inches including the tail.

What is the Difference Between Ground Squirrels and Groundhogs?

The biggest differences between ground squirrels and woodchucks include their size, genus, and location. Ground squirrels include several genera, range in weight from less than 1 pound to 24 pounds, and vary in length from 7 to 30 inches, and live in Asia, Europe, and North and Central America. Groundhogs are members of the genus Canis and live in North and Central America, weighing 1 to 4 pounds and measuring 12 to 16 inches in length.

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  1. Encyclopaedia Britannica, available here:
  2. National Geographic, available here:
  3. World Wildlife, available here:
  4. One Kind of Planet, available here:
  5. Scientific American, available here: