Meet the Spirit Animal of Aries and What It Means

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zodiac astrology
Magical banner for astrology, celestial alchemy. Heaven art of zodiac signs, tarot cards, cosmic device, crescent moon with faces, clouds, sun and moon on black background. Esoteric vector

©Tanya Antusenok/

Spirit animals represent a person's innate human spirituality and passions. The personality traits associated with each zodiac sign have been used by astrologers for thousands of years. This article focuses on the animal that represents your inner self according to the Western Zodiac. Chinese, Celtic, and Native American zodiac traditions are also briefly discussed here.

Aries, along with the signs of Leo and Sagittarius, are ruled by the element of fire. It represents one of the six positive constellations, with Mars as the ruler. Aries is one of the constellations represented by animals in the Chinese zodiac. What is the spirit beast of Aries? Based on Western Astrology, let's dive into the details of the Aries Beast Guide and how it relates to those born under this Western zodiac sign!

Ram and Aries

Male bighorn sheep ram with big horns on a cliff.
What is the spirit beast of Aries? The animal associated with Aries is the ram.

© Georgia Evans/

Aries Birthday: March 21-April 19

The zodiac animal for Aries is the ram, a fire sign ruled by the planet of war Mars. Those born under the sign of the zodiac are said to have adventure, joy, passion, and childlike curiosity!

Let's look at the positive and negative traits of the Aries Ram to get a better understanding of this versatile sign!

Positive Ram Traits

Beautiful Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep ram in the snow.
Aries are intelligent, natural leaders

©John Raptosh/

smart leader

Like Aries, Aries are fiery, intelligent, natural leaders who are motivated by the task at hand. Not only are they imaginative and resourceful, but also compassionate and understanding. If there is a change, those who follow Aries' lead and follow Aries' advice will be glad they did. Aries can teach you how to solve certain problems, and will not hesitate to help those facing difficulties.

deep strength

The eldest son Aries is fresh. As change agents, they are leaders and front runners, trailblazers, inventors and innovators, and fierce competitors and fighters. When the going gets tough, the Aries ram gets going. They have deep strength that can lead them through life's battles. They absorb the pain and bear their scars proudly, sharing their stories so others can benefit from them. Aries Rams crave personal experiences. It's not enough to hear what it's like, they want to feel what it's like.

Commitment to truth

With all of their accomplishments, their unwavering dedication and dedication to honesty and truth set them apart from their peers. They enjoy creative pursuits, which allow them flexibility and control, and perform best in environments that foster these attributes. A strangled ram is no one to mess with!

Famous Aries include: Lady Gaga, Alec Baldwin, Emma Watson, Robert Downey Jr and Reese Witherspoon.

Negative Ram Traits

Two bighorn sheep rams fight during mating season on a snow-covered grassland.
Aries rams are easily irritated

© Warren Metcalfe/

emotionally unstable

Ram's enormous energy levels often lead to instability. Aries Rams can become irritated or hostile if their principles and opinions are questioned. It doesn't take much to irritate an already moody Aries. When an Aries is out of balance, everyone around them can be affected. They can also turn in the other direction and keep their distance to save energy. If left unchecked, this can lead to narcissistic tendencies that cause Aries to ignore other people's viewpoints and stick to their own. This can leave others confused and unclear about how to "solve" the problem. Honesty and compassion are the best ways to earn an Aries' trust and show their vulnerability. Liars and aggressors are not fair to Aries.

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Aries also hates monotony and lack of patience, leading to hasty or sudden decisions to escape situations they no longer feel comfortable with. They crave life experience, and sometimes this can get them into trouble. Although independent, they can be deeply insecure and seek approval on a regular basis. Without validation, the Aries Ram can withdraw and isolate himself from others and the world around him. Aries may seem independent, but they are highly sensitive beings who require compassion and patience.


Often, Aries will get their own way and come across as self righteous. As a result, others may perceive them as small-minded, but deep down, they are actually feeling uncertain and misunderstood about life. Aries can have difficulty communicating, which can lead to unnecessary tension and confusion with others. If they can get out of their heads and learn to deal with the problem at hand, they can grow and move on with new strength and faith.

How to Be the Best Ram


Understanding your strengths and potential abilities as identified by astrology is conducive to self-reflection. It helps you find your ideal match in love, work and life. For example, Aries people tend to do well in sales, art, writing, travel, and entrepreneurship. They need to be passionate about what they do, and their work must reflect their personality. They do not do well in roles where there is too much power, tediousness, or lack of control over decision-making.


Aries can be considered rowdy at times, but overall Rams are really laid back when things line up. Because of their multifaceted personalities, Aries is one of the few signs that is compatible with almost every other sign! When it comes to romantic compatibility, fire sign Leo and Sagittarius are often considered ideal partners for Aries, as are air signs Gemini and Aquarius. However, there is love between fire and water. According to many astrologers, Aries and Scorpio make the greatest lovers. Aries may struggle in love with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


In order to be the best Aries, it's important to let go of your pride in conflict. You have to learn to let your guard down and let others in. It's also wise for Aries to trust their intuition, as they have strong instincts. Finding the balance between listening to others and listening to your own intuition is never easy! However, you can find balance by appreciating the positive qualities of those close to you rather than viewing everyone or everything in black and white. Mindfulness and meditation are the best ways for an Aries to achieve balance. This will teach you to look at yourself before jumping to conclusions or decisions, and take your time.

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Why did Aries sign a Ram?

Aries is the Latin word for Ram. In ancient Greece and Egypt, Aries was often associated with the ram, although different cultures interpreted the constellation differently. For example, according to Greek mythology, a golden ram was offered as a sacrifice to Zeus, the god of the gods.

astrology zodiac
Zodiac vector circle in vintage style with icons, names, constellations, hand drawn sun. Beige circle drawn with black pencil.

© paseven/

There are various cultures and traditions in the world, some of which can be traced back to humans themselves. Spirit animals can be found in many of these traditions, especially the astrological system. Besides Western astrology, Chinese, Celtic, and Native American astrological systems are some of the more popular and recognized astrological systems.

Chinese astrology

What is the Aries spirit beast in Chinese astrology? A person's spirit animal is determined by their birth year in the Chinese zodiac, not by a specific time of year. You can visit various websites to find out which animal best represents your year of birth. Your "twin zodiac", on the other hand, refers to the animal in Chinese culture that is closest to your Western zodiac. In this case, Aries, the Dragon!

Chinese Zodiac Twin for Aries: Dragon

Chinese dragon


Dragons are guardians of wealth and power; thus, the Chinese emperor used them to symbolize his imperial power. Images of the Chinese dragon say it controls all water. This includes rain, hurricanes, floods, oceans and more! The courage, self-confidence, and ability of the zodiac dragon are legendary. The Chinese zodiac sign of this zodiac signifies a fulfilling, adventurous life. Like rams, no?

So, do modern dragons exist? Yes! Komodo dragons still exist today. Although they don't breathe fire, they are still fierce and fearsome reptiles. With over 3,000 species, Komodo dragons may not be true "dragons," but they are the largest lizards on Earth!

celtic astrology

Like Western, Chinese, and Native American astrology, the Celtic zodiac has 12 animal symbols. However, their monthly intervals differ from Western astrology. As with other systems, cultural influences and natural observations combine to form animal symbolism.

  1. Aries' Celtic Zodiac Twin: The Fox (March 18-April 14)
most vicious animal

© Buckman

If you're an Aries with a birthday on one of the above dates, your Celtic spirit animal is the fox! The Celts viewed the fox as an intellectual and emotional force. Fox is always looking for a new and interesting story to keep their minds busy. It's no secret that Fox isn't afraid to go after what they want. They are also loyal to those they love and brave in the face of danger.

  • Celtic Zodiac Twin for Aries: Bull (April 15-May 12)

©alberto clemares exposito/

If you're an Aries with a birthday that falls within the above dates, your Celtic spirit animal is the Bull! Our beloved bull is as steady and fierce as the sun. Like the Knights of the Round Table, they are always ready to offer protection and fight in the face of danger. The Bull will see right through you and tell you, or show you, exactly what you need.

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Native American Astrology

Animals are often used to convey Native American ideals and beliefs. In fact, many of their legends involve animals! Native American zodiac signs are the same as Chinese, Celtic and Western traditions in that they have animal connotations. The dates for each zodiac sign are the same in both Native American and Western astrology, however, the spirit animals are unique. To find your Native American spirit animal as an Aries, look below!

Native American Born Animal Twins (Northern Hemisphere): Falcon /Red Eagle

flying falcon. landing bird. Bird isolated. White background. Bird: Little Kestrel

©serkan mutan/

If you're an Aries, your Native American spirit animal is the falcon! In Native American astrology, they often "look up to the falcon" for guidance. Falcons can be trusted with judgment, speed and stamina. Falcons are proactive and thrive in a collaborative, respectful environment. They are also lifelong fiery lovers!

Falcons value authenticity and self-awareness. Without it, the Falcons cannot fulfill the leadership responsibilities they want. The awakened falcon elf created its wings with wisdom. Falcons get flustered when people don't respect their vision.

In summary

Spirit Animals is a great way to feel connected to nature and our planet!

©Jorm S/

A wide variety of creatures can be considered Aries' zodiac spirit animals, such as rams; dragons; foxes; bulls; and falcons!

So, as you can see, there are many ways to find your spirit animal, and many people end up having more than one spirit animal. It's important to remember that you are not limited or defined by a particular tradition, and you can use your intuition to discover your ideal spirit animal. For example, have you ever had recurring dreams about animals? Have you always been attracted to a certain animal? This is also a possibility for your spirit beast!

The important part to remember is that these are based on different belief systems and in no way define who you are. Instead, it's more important to choose an animal with which you have a strong emotional connection. Having a spirit animal is a wonderful way to connect with the earth and the beautiful planet we live on!


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Aries constellation


about the author

I have spent a large part of my life as a writer and artist with great respect for viewing nature analytically and metaphysically. After careful investigation, the natural world reveals truths far beyond the obvious. For me, the source of everything we have is embodied in our planet; the process of writing and creating art around this subject is an attempt to convey the wonder of it.

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