World Population: How Many People Are There in the World?
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The world population is growing by about 1.1% per year. This is an increase of approximately 83 million people per year. Recently, the world reached a new milestone of being the most inhabited planet on earth. Find out how many people there are in the world, including a breakdown of each continent's population and when we hit different milestones.
How many people will there be in the world in 2023?

The global population will be 8.05 billion in 2023, and the global population is determined by the number of births and deaths. 120 years ago, there were only 2 billion people on Earth. The population has grown rapidly over the past century, largely due to increases in life expectancy and decreases in child mortality. However, this rapid growth is likely to be temporary. We are already seeing slower growth in many countries due to declining fertility rates.
How many people are there in North America?
North America has an estimated 607 million people, or 7.5% of the world's population. North America is adding about 16,000 people every day through live births and immigration. The continent's population is expected to reach 612,000 by early 2024.
How many people are there in the United States?
The US Census Bureau estimates the US population on January 1, 2023 at 334 million. US population growth slows. From 2020 to 2021, the US is at an all-time low, growing by only 0.12%. Births, deaths and immigration levels have all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. From 2021 to 2022, the population will increase by 0.38%, which is a slight increase from the previous year, but still very tepid. The United States is the third largest country in the world by population.

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How many people are there in South America?
In 2021, the population of South America will be 434 million. It is now estimated to reach 440 million by 2023. The researchers believe that South America's population will grow steadily and not start to level off until 2060. 2058 is when they are most likely to reach their maximum population, around 767 million. Births outnumber deaths, yet the continent is losing population due to external migration.
How many people are there in Europe?
As of 2023, Europe's population is estimated at 748 million. The continent's population growth rate has never exceeded one percent per year. In fact, their population rates declined again in the late 1990s and again between 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID pandemic. Their population is expected to peak at 449 million in 2026. Like much of the world, population growth in Europe has been slowed by low birth rates.

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How many people are there in Africa?
As of 2023, Africa's total population is estimated at 1.4 billion. By 2050, its population will reach around 1.5 billion. Nigeria, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt and South Africa are the most populous countries on the African continent, each with more than 50 million people within their borders. Africa's population is growing by about 2.5% per year, more than three times the global average. Unlike the rest of the world, Africa has a high fertility rate.
How many people are there in Asia?
The current population of Asia in 2023 will be 4.7 billion. Asia accounts for nearly 60 percent of the world's population. With a population of 1.45 billion, China is the most populous country in the world. India is second with 1.41 billion. Asia will grow at 0.55% in 2021 and is expected to reach a peak population of 5.3 billion in 2055.

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How many people are there in Australia?
As of 2023, Australia has a population of 26 million. The continent's population will grow by about 1% in 2022, but several capital cities will see population declines. Researchers believe Australia's population will reach 30 million by 2030. But that population increase is now expected to be later than expected due to falling fertility rates and reduced immigration.
How many people are there in Antarctica?
Antarctica has no native population. The only people who "live" there are researchers and scientists. There may also be people passing by on a cruise ship. During summer, as many as 5,000 people live on the continent. But in winter, that number drops to around 1,000. Of the 11 babies born on the Antarctic continent, none died in infancy, making Antarctica the region with the lowest death rate at 0%.
World population milestones: how did we get to 8 billion?

On November 15, 2022, the world population will reach 8 billion. This milestone is a colossal achievement in human development. We reached 8 billion people, largely due to the gradual increase in human longevity. Improvements in public health, advances in medicine, improved nutrition and improved personal hygiene are the main reasons for the increase in human life expectancy.
When will the Earth's population reach one billion?
From 10,000 BC to 1700, the world grew very slowly, about 0.04%. Birth and death rates were equally high, with child mortality high. With the advancement of better sewer systems, waste was carried away, people contracted fewer diseases, and clean food became more readily available. By 1800, the world population reached 1 billion. About 120 years later (in 1927), there were 2 billion people on Earth.
When did the world hit 3 billion people?
Just 33 years later, in 1960, the world's population hit 3 billion, and in 1974 (14 years later), it reached 4 billion. Reaching the 1 billion milestone will take centuries, and there simply isn't time for doubling and tripling it. The main cause of the population explosion is the increase in human life expectancy and the decrease in mortality. Humans have better access to plentiful food and better medical care.

When will the world reach 5 billion?
In 1987, the world's population hit 5 billion, 13 years after reaching 4 billion. Every decade, the overall quality of life improves, including advances in healthcare and better nutrition. By October 1999, the world population had reached 6 billion.
When will the world population reach 7 billion?
On October 31, 2011, the world's population reached 7 billion, 12 years after reaching 6 billion. Eleven years later, in 2022, we have reached the milestone of 8 billion people on Earth.
When will the population reach 10 billion?
While it took us just 11 years to reach 8 billion people, the UN expects it will be another 15 years before reaching 9 billion in 2037. Twenty-two years later, in 2058, we expect to reach 10 billion people.
Can Earth support 10 billion people? In a world where hunger and poverty are real for many, you might wonder how we feed so many. But the researchers believe there is considerable potential for food supply and waste management. They believe we can feed 1 to 11 billion people with some small adjustments.
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